University Rules & Regulation
- No Candidate is permitted to pursue two degree programmes simultaneously of this or any other University.
- If a candidate gets admitted to more than one post graduate or degree programme, the University shall cancel his/her admission to one of the programmes, which he/she had joined without giving prior notice.
- Any student who is found to have concealed information about his/her age, qualification etc. or violated any provisions, is liable to removal from the rolls forthwith and will be deprived of the benefits of attendance, examination, result, awards etc., in the programme concerned, apart from appropriate disciplinary action and imposition of penalties.
- Candidates shall abide by the Rules and Regulations in force and those to be issued by the University from time to time.
- False declaration of Age, Qualification etc., by the candidate will disqualify his/her admission to the University.
- Any/All Legal Disputes shall be subjected to the jurisdiction of Mumbai, India courts only.
- The office of the UNIEDU will remain closed on all Sundays and General Holidays.
- This website provides all necessary information you need as a student of the University. Avoid unnecessary correspondence about the details provided in this website.
- To receive the Degree certificate after passing the examination, a student should directly apply to the Registrar of the University in the prescribed form or by paying the prescribed fee.
- Transfer Certificate will not be issued to the student. It will be sent to the institution where the student pursues his/her further studies. However, the students have to obtain No Due Certificate from the University before applying for Transfer Certificate/Migration Certificate.
- Provisional Pass Certificate will be issued on request and on payment of prescribed fee, after the declaration of result by the University. The candidate has to submit an application along with Fee Paid Challan and Xerox marks cards to the Registrar of the University.
- If the Original Identity card is lost, duplicate card may be obtained from the office on Payment basis.
- Fees once paid will not be refunded or transferred in any circumstances.